Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Weeks 13 and 14 - making it real

I've been remiss with my baby blogging, and I'm feeling bad about it.  I hadn't really been posting because I've been crazy busy with school and winding things up at the office.  Lots has happened in the last week, so I thought I better take a few minutes to update.

*Update on the job situation: I still haven't found anything, but I'm getting close to being at peace with it.  Definitely feeling a bit better about the whole situation.  It will work out. I have an amazing family.*

So, quick recap of the last few weeks.  My nausea really started to subside around week 11, but has reared it's ugly head here and there since then (yesterday was once of those days). However, I'm feeling much better overall.  Food aversions are down to a minimum, tea and I have made up, thank god, and I haven't had to eat quite so many saltine crackers.  I'm still pretty tired and sleeping is still difficult, but I can handle that so long as I'm not feeling barfy all the time.  I'm thinking that my physical improvements have a lot to do with my emotional ones. I'm still not 100%, but I'm coping much better and I think that's helped a lot.

I had my first legit MUST HAVE IT NOW craving last night that had Bubba at the grocery store at 9pm to buy supplies to make ice cream floats- vanilla ice cream and orange pop.  Unfortunately by the time he got home, I didn't want it anymore.  Apparently I'm going to be one of those pregnant women.

Now on the the fun stuff (See? I'm not all doom and gloom!)

We had our first ultrasound at 13 weeks - November 28th.  Aside from the absolutely awful bursting bladder feeling, it was pretty awesome.  Baby was measuring 1 day ahead at 13w1d and moving around like crazy. We got a perfect view of everything, aside from the tell-tale boy or girl parts.  I think the strangest thing was to see the tiny little heart beating away on the monitor.  Very surreal and very cool.

Baby's first portrait

My very loving husband made sure to point out that the baby definitely has my big head.  He's such a charmer.

I'm certainly growing as well.  I'm at that awkward in-between stage where my clothes are really uncomfortable, but I'm not really big enough for maternity clothes yet.  I just look (and feel).... fat.

Bump shot # 2

13 weeks- November 28th 2011

So after the excitement of getting our first peek at the baby, I had a doctors appointment yesterday, December 5th, at exactly 14 weeks. We finally got to hear the heart beat for the first time.  The doctor mentioned that we have a "very cooperative little person".  There was no searching for the heartbeat.  She put the doppler down and there was the steady thump thump thump... no searching All I can say is that it was a-maz-ing, and really weird.  It really hit home that there is another human being with functioning organs actually taking up residence inside me.  

The doctor said that everything is great.  The ultrasound results came back fine, my weight and blood pressure are right on target and that we "both look very healthy".  It's definitely nice to hear.

Doctors Visit Stats:
Date: December 5th, 2011
Baby's heart rate: 140bpm - Doc says that's perfect
Weight gain: 1 pound since last doctor's visit on November 3

General Stats:
As of today: 14 weeks, 1 day
Baby Size: Naval Orange
Next Appt: January 16th - 20 week ultrasound (can't wait!)