Tuesday, March 5, 2013

3 Quarters

Bug's first Valentine's Day
Pro Football HOF

Ohio/PA trip


A big month for a little girl.  At the end of February Adelaide decided to stand up and crawl on her own for the first time.  

Her Ma was lucky enough to be here to see the first time she pulled up.  She made it up on the coffee table, though he little feet were backwards and she wasn't quite sure what to do once she was up.  A few days later, she scooted herself across the kitchen floor for the first time... the first of her long loved army crawl (that she didn't give up until she was about 11.5 months).

She also took her first road trip.  With stops in Eerie, PA, then on to Ohio where she met our friends Jude and Izey and went to the pro football hall of fame, then back to Erie.  It was lots of driving for a tiny girl and she was a rock-star  She's a happy traveler as long as she gets lots of cuddles in the hotel (which I'm happy to provide).

Our sweet girl became much more independent this month and it was very cool to watch her explore.  She got to try her first "cookie" which was a big success, and started exploring feeding herself a little more (Baby Mums FTW).  Still our happy, healthy, funny girl.

Adelaide Ruby - 9 months old

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Eight Months Old

The month in pictures

This was the big month that I went back to work and Daddy got his turn to stay home with Adelaide.  The transition went as smoothly as we could have hoped, and Adelaide adjusted quickly into a new schedule.

Daddy and the Bug found their rhythm and routine very quickly, and he was actually able to get her on more of a schedule that I had been able to.  She started taking 2 regular naps per day, and having a more regular bedtime. I still cherished my time with her after work, and cuddled her to sleep in our bed each night.

We worked hard to continue breastfeeding, and I pumped for most of the month and was able to continue EBF (nursing all but one bottle of EBM per day) until she was just shy of 7 months at the end of January.    After that, we started topping up my short falls with formula and eventually transitioned to one full bottle of formula per day, while the remainder of her milk was direct nursing.

Other than that, it was a month of winter walks and a new round of swimming lessons with Daddy. A happy, quiet, uneventful month.

February 4, 2013 - 8 months old

Friday, January 4, 2013

Seven Months Old - The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Christmas Morning... Bug's first stocking :)

Visiting with Great-Grandma Doris 
Sitting up in the tub! Bath time suddenly became a lot more fun!!
She loved meeting Santa for the first time. A girl after my own heart.
Christmas Eve 2012
Last session of her first round of swimming lessons (December 10th)
New Year's Day 2013

In the space between Adelaide's 6th and 7th month birthdays Adelaide lost a lot of her "baby" and really started developing into a little girl.

She finally mastered the fine art of sitting on her own. While she'd been working on it for a while, she became quite proficient at it this month, learning to reach out and turn around. She started reaching and grabbing and moving back and forth.

She found her voice and babbles away. We explored lots of new food, and found little (if anything) that she didn't like.  Her favorite foods are definitely sweet potato and applesauce, but she's happy with anything by spinach so far.

Christmas was hilarious fun. She was a rock star with all the attention she was receiving, and at all of the events we had to attend.  She was ready for a break by December 27th, but she enjoyed the season and I think that she'll love it as much as I do. It was a very special Christmas for us, and we can't wait for many more.  There's something different about Christmas with babies and it's going to be so great.

We spent a lot of this month just hanging out and preparing for my return to work. We laid together for naps almost every afternoon, and snuggled to sleep every night. It was just a matter of soaking up my last few weeks at home with her, and we just enjoyed quiet time together.
Adelaide Ruby - 7 months old