I'm 31 weeks and 2 days today, and I'm still feeling pretty good! I do notice myself slowing down a bit and getting tired a little more easily, but I'm still working, walking and doing yoga without any problems, so I'll take it! I must admit that my emotions are up and down like crazy, but that may or may not be pregnancy related. That's sort of always been the case with me.
On the bright side, with the fatigue returning, I'm sleeping better. I still wake-up several time through the night to pee, but I'm not having as much trouble getting back to sleep. At least, not for the last few nights anyway. As long as I have the TV on something total boring so my brain doesn't start going, I can usually drift back off within a few minutes.
My only other complaints are the tailbone pain (OY!) that I have when I sit for extended periods of time, and some restriction of movement just due to the size of my belly. The one place I'm really noticing it is getting in and out of the car. It's not exactly "difficult", but it does take a little more effort than normal.
Baby is moving around a TON and just LOVES to prop her feet on my ribs. Sometimes I swear she's trying to get out. Bub keeps telling her "NOT YET"! She loves to wiggle and squirm when I'm in the tub, or any time I'm lying down. Although, she's moves a lot pretty much all day, so it may just be that I notice it most when I can concentrate on it.
We've been able to get a really great start on the nursery and find myself peeking in there at random times, just to look at it. I can't wait until I have the little person that belongs in there. We still have lots to do and lots to buy, but we're finally making some progress! We still don't have a middle name yet... we're still working on it.
I'm feeling too lazy to take a picture today, so a belly pic from last week will have to do:
30w1d - March 27, 2012
30 week appointment stats...
Blood pressure: great
Baby's heart rate: normal (155bpm)
Baby/belly growth: right on target
Weight gain: Nothing since my last appointment - 11lbs total (My doc gave me a little trouble for this so I'm making sure that I gain some for my next appointment.. lots of Easter chocolate!)
Concerns: Sample # 3 sent to the lab to check for a bladder infection. I'm not showing any symptoms, but my protein levels are a little high I guess, so they're just making sure.
Next appointment: 32 weeks (April 12)