Tuesday, August 14, 2012

2 month check-up

Adelaide had her 2 month well-baby visit yesterday (at exactly 10 weeks old) and it went really well, all things considered.  She was happy and content for most of the visit, smiling at the nurse and giving the doctor the once over.  She's such a good little baby.

She now weighs 8lbs, 10.6oz and is 22.5 inches long and the doctor said she looks great and that we should just keep doing what we're doing.  The only concern is that she hadn't gained quite as much weight as they would have liked, but because she's looks healthy, is eating regularly, is content most of the time, and is having the right amount of both kinds of diapers, she didn't suggest supplementation quite yet.  She may just be small (which is so hard for me to wrap my head around since I was expecting a giant baby, right from birth).  We're going back in two weeks for a weight follow-up and I assume that if they still don't like where she's at at that point, we'll discuss our options. I'm going to get to work and try to put some pounds on her, because I'd really like to avoid supplementing with formula.  We've been so lucky because we've had absolutely 0 problems breastfeeding so far, and I'd like to keep it that way for as long as possible. So, I'm going to encourage longer feedings and shorten the times between some feedings for the next couple of weeks, and see if that makes a difference.

The hardest part of the visit was, of course, her first set of shots.  She was a champ through the first one, giving just the smallest little complaint... but she screamed after the second shot. Like, all out, stopped breathing and making noise screamed. I cried.  It was horrible.  BUT, she calmed right down after only a minute and her eyelids started to droop.  I'm sure the oral vaccine (the first thing she's ever had past her lips other than my milk) helped.... she gulped it right down.  She was a champ for the rest of the day, napping and playing like normal, and really didn't seem any worse of the wear.  No sign of a fever, no crankiness, just her normal, happy, tiny self. We are so lucky!

Growth Stats

June 4, 2012 (Birth)
6lbs, 3oz
21 inches long

June 6, 2012 (released from hospital)
5lbs, 8oz

June 11, 2012
6lbs, 5oz

July 4, 2012
7lbs, 15oz
21.25 inches long

August 13, 2012
8lbs, 10.5oz
22.5 inches long

Total gain since leaving the hospital: 3lbs, 2.5oz
Total growth since birth: 1.5 inches

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