Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Three Months Old

Adelaide's Third Month in Pictures

Watching the Summer Olympics with Daddy

 Finally big enough to pose in the outfit that Mommy wore home from the hospital
Warming up her teeny feet to draw blood
We finally made the switch to cloth diapers! Hooray!!!!
First bottle!! While she still EBF, I'm building a little freezer stash so Daddy can feed her every once in a while.
Dinner out as a family... Montana's in Collingwood (our first family getaway)
Tiny baby... big bed.  (Cranberry Resort- Collingwood)
Having fun at Blue Mountain
Gave-up the soo soo for her fingers
My teeny girl
Firsts and Milestones
First real laugh: August 16, 2012 while playing with Mama
Rolled Over (front to back): Friday August 31, 2012 with Mommy and Poppa there to see!
Month three has had some ups and downs.  Adelaide is still the happiest baby I've known!  She's still happy in the morning, loves to splash in the tub (and we're getting better with the after-bath tears), and LOVE LOVE LOVES to be outside. Even during evening cranky time (which is getting better too) I can take that girl outside, and she immediately settles and looks around in awe. It's about the sweetest thing.
She "talks" up a storm now and always has a story for anyone who will listen.  She's becoming so expressive and gets very excited when someone gives her their full attention.  She talks with her hands... a lot. Just like her Daddy.
She's able to entertain herself better now. She's much more of a little person, with a personality all her own, and less a newborn now. She loves her play mat and spends a lot of time hanging out there and lounging on her boppy pillow with Daddy. Car seat meltdowns are few and far between.  He favorite toy right now are her colored links, which are a lot of fun to hold and chew on.
She's rolling from front to back (we were so happy that Poppa was here to see that for the first time) and she's sleeping most of the way through the night.  She still wakes up for the odd 5am feeding, but it's not unusual for her to sleep right through until about 7:30.
We finally made the switch to cloth diapers.  I'll have to do a separate post on that, but we gave up waiting for her to fit into her AIOs and spent a little more money to get prefolds and covers (Bummis, we love you!) and we're LOVING them. It took some adjusting to see her with a bubble butt, but it's just adorable.
Breastfeeding and weight issues really got us down. I posted about her weight issues and will post separately about our breastfeeding issues, but it's getting better now and I think we're back on track. We have another weight check on Wednesday, but I think she's gaining and I think we'll be able to avoid formula supplementation.

I didn't think it was possible, but I really do love her more every day. My heart tightens every time she grins when she sees me.... she's just incredible. I can't believe how fast time is flying.  While it's sad, I'm also excited to watch her little personality develop even more.
I love you to the moon and back my sweet wee girl.  Happy 3 month birthday!!!
August 27, 2012 - 8lbs, 13.5oz
September 4, 2012 - 9lbs 3oz

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